Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Serial Sonar Sensor: ATtiny85, HC-SR04, and Arduino SoftwareSerial

In this post I will detail how I used an ATtiny85 as a controller for an HC-SR04 sonar module (Ping sensor). The controller reads the inputs from up to 3 HC-SR04 modules and transmits the readings to an Arduino Mega via serial communication. This allows the Arduino Mega to pick up the readings whenever it is convenient rather than having to worry about complex timings. Let's get started

First things first, we need to run the NewPing library on an ATtiny85/45/25. Until version 1.6 is released you will need to modify the library to do this. However, this removes some of the functions you might want to use on other boards. For this reason, I created the TinyNewPing Library. In it, I removed the parts that cause the errors on an ATtiny and gave it a new name so you can distinguish between the two. All the function names remain the same. If you still need more details check out THIS prior post.

Next we need the SoftwareSerial Library on the ATtiny. Luckily, this comes with the IDE and I already did a post on it. Funny how that works.

For a first attempt, try a single HC-SR04 sonar sensor. This simplifies the code a bit. Load THIS code on the ATtiny (sensor side) and THIS code on the Arduino Mega. Note the code uses both Serial and Serial1 (thus the Arduino Mega).

To wire it up, connect the echo and trigger pin together and then connect them to pin 0. Wire in 5V and ground to both the ATtiny and the HC-SR04. Then connect pin 4 (Software Tx) on the ATtiny to pin 19 (Rx1) on the Mega. Finally, plug the Mega into the computer via USB.

Now if this is working ok, we can move on to 3 sensors. For that, we need to load THIS code onto the ATtiny and THIS code onto the Arduino Mega. The ATtiny takes the readings and sends them to the Mega. The Mega updates it's variables and sends them to the Serial Monitor for us to see.

Wiring it is cumbersome but simple. Regrettably, I did not take a picture when I did it, but just do what you did before an extra two times. Note again that we are using the same pin for trigger and echo, so they need to be wired together. Then wire up power and grounds. Finally connect the ATtiny to the Mega and the Mega to the computer.

Now open the Serial Monitor and watch the numbers scroll by.

Potential problems: If the ATtiny gets out of sync with the Mega (it will), an occasional bad value will come up. I couldn't come up with a quick fix for this. If that is a problem, maybe you could take the median of a few readings. They are coming in pretty quickly. The plan is to make an I2C version of this soon, but I make no promises on a deadline. One last download, get the entire package of sketches used in this post in a zip file HERE.

A few quick notes before we go.

  • Why not I2C? That's next (Done! Check it out HERE). Serial is easier because it doesn't require a 3rd party library to work on the ATtiny line. 
  • Why only 3 sensors? Short answer, ease of use. You might be able to get 4 or even 5 out of an ATtiny45 if you're persistant. I don't have that many sensors nor that much patience. You have 5 regular IO pins plus the reset pin (which can be used as an IO). You might be able to use the serial Rx pin as an input as well. 
  • Why not just buy a I2C ping sensor and be done with it? Well this reduces the number of wires going to the Arduino Mega. It also gives you more options and increases the number of micro controllers on board your robot (cool factor). Other than that, it's cheap. With HobbyKing or Ebay, this project could be done for less than the price of one I2C sonar sensors.
Hopefully someone will find this useful. If anything goes great, please comment! If anything goes wrong, contact your local internet service provider. I blame them (That's a joke. You can comment below as well).




  2. Thanks for your comment. Is this a project you created or is this link just something you thought was useful? Just posting a link makes it look like spam.

  3. Thanks Matthew, I am in the process of designing an embedded system to handle multiple ultrasonic sensors added onto a quad copter to avoid the walls. Ive got a working code on an Arduino Mega, but with just four sensors it gives me about a1/4 second lag in the user control. I ordered several ATtiny84a (14pin AVR) chips and plan on using multiple chips to control the sensors. Basically Im going to use the ATtiny chips to digital write high pins that simulate event thresholds. My blog on what ive done so far is Once I get the circuit built Ill test a few versions and let you know what happens on my end. Love the rewrite of newping BTW. I would like to use it in my project.

  4. Good. I'm glad to know someone is using it. That sounds like exactly the kind of application I had in mind when I did this project. One of these days I'll get around to building a quad.
